MINDFULNESS , HEALTH & HAPPINESS For thousands of years, there was no way of testing scientifically whether meditation really worked. It was a purely internal experience discovered and verified by each new practitioner within their own mind. In the last few decades, new technologies have allowed us to objectively measure some of the effects of meditation. We’re far from a complete understanding, but early findings are fascinating. At the same time there has been a revolution in the field of neuroscience with the discovery that the brain is not hardwired and fixed, even in adulthood. It is constantly changing throughout a person’s life. Everything we do changes the brain in some way. When we practice a skill, the brain regions we use actually grow bigger, and when we don’t use parts of our brain, these regions shrink. This is what scientists call neuroplasticity. All this adds up to the tantalizing question: How does meditation change the physical structure of the brain? Scienti
At introspectiveodyssey.com, we assist with Spiritual/Personal Transformation through Metaphysical Mentoring and the modalities of Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Introspective Hypnosis, EFT, Past-Life Therapy, Soul Retrieval, Spirit Releasement, guided meditations, and more.