July 10, 2018 is when this journey officially began. The comforts of living and thinking that I managed to rig some type of foundation on, were going to leave with no guarantee of returning. _____________________________________________________________________ This was the amazing apartment Ruba and I lived in while in Frisco, TX. There were many wonderful meals devoured, deep conversations, laughs, and maybe some cries shared in this space. Man, no lie...I miss this place. The top photo is from the balcony. That balcony was the birthplace of many ideas and also held some of those deep conversations that probably overflowed from the living room. The bottom photo is a bit of the entrance. It always felt amazing to come home after a long day and see a view like this waiting for you. One day we decided to remove the middle-man and start making our own lemon-aid. This was a total success and repeated many, many times. ...
At introspectiveodyssey.com, we assist with Spiritual/Personal Transformation through Metaphysical Mentoring and the modalities of Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Introspective Hypnosis, EFT, Past-Life Therapy, Soul Retrieval, Spirit Releasement, guided meditations, and more.