Adam Howard Answered May 11, 2019 Originally Answered: What advice of any type (financial, life, etc.) would you give your 18-year-old self? Learn your purpose and articulate it with unassailable conviction. This does not mean ‘know what profession you’d like to pursue’, nor does it have much to do with lifestyle. Your purpose is the thing that gets you out of bed every morning. To figure it out, find a pattern in why you’ve done the things that you’ve done. Perhaps the common thread is a desire to self-improve, perhaps it’s a need to increase your autonomy, perhaps it’s a drive to help suffering people. Commonly, it’s some combination of several components. Something will make coherent all your previous pursuits & decisions, even if they seem disparate at a glance. Once you’ve figured it out, learn to articulate it concisely. For example, you might say: “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all...
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