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Transformational Magic

What I remember from my dream is walking into my dwelling to find my betta fish “swimming” in mid-air. (It felt like "home" but I don't recognize it from this life nor do I currently have a betta fish.) At eye-level, it swam in mid-air towards me and nuzzled against the left side of my face. I wondered how it was able to survive out of its water bowl. How could it be breathing our air? How could it be flying in the middle of the room as though it was still swimming in water?

The answer came as an understanding when I stepped slightly out of the dream but still in sleep.

The Message: Incredible change happens in micro-increments.

No one had been tending to the fish. The water was evaporating little by little, day by day. Soon, the top of the fish was exposed to the air. Molecule by molecule the water left the fish’s container allowing enough time for adaptation and change. Bit by bit the fish got used to being exposed to the air. By the time all the water was gone, the fish was already taking in oxygen from the air and it was moving around in the air like it would in water.

Had the water evaporated any quicker or if the fish had been abruptly taken out of it’s familiar environment it would have died almost instantaneously.

I had gone to sleep asking to wake up with dream recollection. And though I don’t remember much of that night's dreams, this fish dream is still clear. And I wish to take it as an answer to some of the musings that have come up in many of the conversations that Nick & I have had. Conversations about our evolution. Seeking transformational knowledge and stepping into our greater selves.

You can’t see your hair or nails growing - but you know they do. You don't experience their growth. However, having to trim them allows one to know that growth has happened. And that is how we grow as beings. Not just with our physical growth, but with our mental and spiritual evolution as well.

This dream has brought me an increased understanding for the need of patience. I’ve been yearning for ultimate truths, overnight transformations and instant understanding. But we humans don’t operate this way in this dense 3rd dimension. We can’t process information and affect internal growth in sudden bursts or abrupt 180 turn-arounds. We can only grow bit-by-bit and step-by-step.

We grow in multi-dimensional ways in increments so minute that it seems we are not progressing at all. But we are!

I certainly am not who I was a year ago. That is easy to see. But I can’t see much of a difference between me yesterday and me today. Change is inevitable. Obviously change must have been happening in increments so small that they went unnoticed.

I ask for information (Truth & Knowledge) and I expect to sprout wings and fly.

The fact is that we are growing on multiple levels and affecting our multi-dimensionality. It has to happen in seemingly miniscule increments because of what we are and where we are.

I understand that we transform in increments so small it would seem that we aren’t making any progress. But once in a while on this journey of small and heavy steps, I stop, look up, look back and realize that transformational magic has taken me through solid, irreversible multi-dimensional growth.

It is happening to us all.
In which direction are you going?

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