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We’re on Life!

Airbnb in Fresno, CA
Sitting in our Airbnb room in Fresno, California, working on our laptops, Nick & I overhear our host telling her visitor/friend about us (we’re her first Airbnb guests!). “They are on vacation.” She says.

Nick smiles and turns to me repeating her words : “We’re on vacation.” He lets out a restrained, soft laugh then corrects the statement “We’re on Life!”

My goodness, our life is an indefinite vacation!

I can’t tell you how many times over the past few months where we couldn’t guess what day of the week it was or what day of the month it was. This is a true sign we’re doing what Nick & I were discussing in our Frisco, Texas apartment a year ago. No more work days or work hours. No more schedules. What would that feel like, we wondered.

And now we’re living it!

Not only do we not have a timely concept of days and dates, we have been proven to be oblivious of holidays as well. We were asked “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?” Nick & I looked at each other scrambling for an answer.
When is it?
- This Thursday.

Even their answer didn’t help us, because we didn’t realize that “this Thursday” was after tomorrow. Huh! We totally forgot to factor in Thanksgiving. We’d be travelling that day. Never considered Thanksgiving when we planned it.

But truly… it doesn’t matter.

My daughters reached out to me on my birthday. Nick & I were in transit; leaving New Mexico towards Arizona. They wanted to make sure I had a special day. Sitting in the car watching the desert and mountains roll by, I thought to myself: “Everyday is a special day. Everyday holds something new.” I guess when everyday is awesome - when every day is a day of giving thanks - nothing more needs to be planned.

How can one improve on wonderful?!

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