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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Morning Mindfulness 15

If you haven't already, today is the day to take responsibility for your life. No more excuses as to why you are unable to do whatever it is you want to do. Yes, some of the things you will want in this world will require high levels of patience, dedication, hard work, and focus, but that's what taking responsibility encompasses. You're ready to live a life you know you deserve. You know you deserve to go wherever you please, whenever you please. You know you deserve to get whatever you need exactly when you need it. You know you deserve respect everywhere you go. You know you deserve everything your heart desires, but you must take responsibility first. Responsibility turns into empowerment and when you are empowered you will go forth fearlessly through life and there will be nothing that can stop you. So before we end, say to yourself right now out loud, "I'm taking responsibility today because I want the empowerment I need in order to recieve everyth...

Akashic Records And Physical Healing

Sometimes people ask me whether energy clearing work in the Akashic Records can resolve physical illness and dis-ease. The short answer is "no." Our body is the densest aspect of ourselves. If our body is displaying pain and dis-ease, it's because of something we are doing, or not doing, that is blocking the flow of vital force energy to our physical aspect. But the problem is being created at the physical aspect of our experience. This means that we have to change what we are doing, at the physical level of our experience, in order the resolve the problem. Whether that's changing our posture or sleeping position because we have back pain, or getting out of a toxic relationship, or changing our diet ... we have to do something different. Energy clearing isn't going to change our physicality. Having said that ... the Akashic Records can contribute great understanding as to how we created illness and dis-ease in the first place. I had a client who was...

The Morning Mindfulness 14

Wealth. Supposedly only 5% of Americans can "take care" of themselves. What it means to "take care" of one's Self, you be the judge, but whatever it could possibly mean, why aren't 100% of Americans able to do something that seems essential to life? Financial literacy is a major factor. Many of our educational institutions do not instill a basic sense of finance. What is credit? What is a credit score? How do I access my credit score? What are the components of a credit score? What can I do to maintain a healthy credit score?  These simple questions may go unanswered for the entirety of one's life. Our educational system does a phenomenal job teaching its students how to work; how to be focused on an individual task until completion. This is an essential component when building wealth and when combined with the knowledge of how to build wealth it would seem that the ability to "take care" of one's Self would be inevitable. At this...

The Morning Mindfulness 13

Take a look at all that is around you. What do you see? What do you feel? What do you understand? This is the lens through which you view the world. The special thing about this lens is that it is specifically designed by you. At any given moment you can completely change everything you see, feel and understand about this place. If perception is reality, then you hold an extremely powerful key to an unlocking of this place. Intensify your perception and deepen your understanding of the Universe.

The Morning Mindfulness 12

Ready for it or not, We’re here now. We heard "the call" and responded with swiftness. We have a purpose that must be fulfilled. If we're still questioning what we're here for, The answer is simple… More. We're here to bring more to this place… More to ourselves. Whatever that “more” may be is completely up to us. Will we bring more ignorance or more knowledge? More violence or more peace? More hate or more love? Whatever we bring is increasing a particular vibration, fulfilling a purpose. Let us make the choice to not only become more, but to become more in such a way that allows Love to reign supreme.

The Morning Mindfulness 11

There are many emotions, thoughts, and energies that requires one to be thankful. One of the most important, is acceptance. There is a part of acceptance that requires us to take control of ourselves… That requires us to take responsibility. We are responsible for our peace, joy, love, etc. We are also responsible for our fear, hate, doubt, etc. Every moment of the day we are calling out to something. If you take responsibility for what you are calling out for, then you accept it and you should be thankful of it. What are you taking responsibility for?  What are you accepting? What are you thanking? Bring what is unknown into what is known. Make light of the darkness.  Bring your subconscious mind into your conscious mind, and vice versa.

The Morning Mindfulness 10

What knowledge are you applying to your life? You may not be aware that you are applying knowledge and that is the knowledge in which you are applying. The knowledge of unawareness. There are many of us that lack the knowledge of Self therefore applying the lack of knowledge of Self to all areas of life. It's time to hop into the driver seat of your experience of this existence. We must become aware of the Self and the current position of the Self, meaning: You must possess an understanding of who you are, where you are, and how you got there. Those three components allow deeper analysis of your current situation and how you will move forward into future situations. Simply put, you gain a better sense of "control". Acknowledging your Self and all of its pros and cons. Acknowledging the space in which your Self dwells (physically, mentally, emotionally, etc) and all of its pros and cons.  With that information at your disposal, how will you continue to proc...

The Morning Mindfulness 9

There’s a moment in our day when we can build dreams or nightmares. There’s a moment in our day when we can build strength or weakness. There’s a moment in our day when the goals come close or move further away. There’s a moment in our day when our passion calls or remains silent. As our eyes opened and our consciousness took the controls, that moment sat beside us, waiting to be acknowledged. How will we greet that moment?

The Morning Mindfulness 8

What would you say if I told you, “We need you to be at your best today. We need you to remove all obstacles from your path, Stand tall amongst many burdened backs, Open your eyes to view the magic of this place, Simply put… We need you to smile. We need you to smile because you give us permission to smile back, Permission to understand it’s all ok, Permission to let go and stand tall with you, But most importantly… Permission to become more.” Be at your best today because you were chosen to inspire. We're searching for your greatness. Are you?

The Morning Mindfulness 7

Every step we take, Every decision we make, Brings us closer to our destination in truth. There is a place in time where we reign supreme… A place in time where we understand our peace. We are ready. We are ready to accept… Ready to accomplish… Ready to grow… Ready to love. There is a place in time where we reign supreme… That place is here and the time is now. Let us become more. We're searching for your greatness. Are you?

The Morning Mindfulness 6

The moment our eyes opened, our possibilities did the same. With so many roads to travel, how could the best one be chosen? Let us begin to build the necessary trust within ourselves that we know the correct path to follow. We understand that the path of least resistance is the best path. We understand that life is not all about the struggles we face, but more about the peace we find. We understand that the mastery of our emotions grants us unlimited power within our lives. We understand how powerful our smiles are, so we share them freely with the world. We understand that if we cannot love, we must respect. The moment our eyes opened, our possibilities did the same. So, let us walk the path that allows us to become more… To become great… To become… Forever. We're searching for your greatness. Are you?

The Morning Mindfulness 5

Without any hesitation, we must allow ourselves to move into a state of constant peace. It’s understood that the time period we live in is very demanding of our focus, but we must turn our attention towards preservation of the peaceful mind. As many times as we can within the day, we must release inner tension that is built. We can do so by quick meditations. Just a few moments throughout the day dedicated to cleansing of the mind. Allow the stillness of these moments to be where peace enters in. Dive deeply into it. There is an immense amount of power in your peace of mind. Infuse your peace into your everyday actions and observe how the world begins to change around you. We're searching for your greatness. Are you?

The Morning Mindfulness 4

Did you wake up this morning with the understanding that you pull things into your vortex? Did you wake up this morning with the understanding that you are the master of your manifestations? Did you wake up this morning with the understanding that if you summon it, it shall be? Did you wake up this morning with the understanding that you are not helpless in this place? What do you want from this Life’s experience? Whatever it may be, connect with it on a level beyond the physicality of this place. Connect with the feeling. What feeling did you connect with this morning? Is it a feeling that will bring forth your wildest desires? If no, change it. If yes, spread it. Simple. We're searching for your greatness. Are you?

The Morning Mindfulness 3

Take a quick look at all that is around you. What do you see? What do you feel? What do you understand? This is the lens through which you view the world. The special thing about this lens is that it is specifically designed by you. At any given moment you can completely change everything you see, feel and understand about this place. If perception is reality, then you hold an extremely powerful key to an unlocking of this place. Intensify your perception and deepen your understanding of the Universe.

The Morning Mindfulness 2

     When attempting to change or remove programs or behaviors that no longer serve us (or never did) there is one element that must be attained: awareness; and there are two elements that must be reinforced daily: persistence and consistency.  Think about it, some of these programs have been operating within our life since the age of five or seven and are still being played out today.      For example, I have a friend that grew up impoverished and food wasn't always available, but when it was, he would eat until he felt sick because the next meal was unforeseeable. This programming continued into his teenage and adult years causing a life-threatening onset of obesity.  When the awareness arrived as to why he felt as if he must always overeat and that the circumstance(s) in life that brought about that programming were no longer relevant, he was able to make the proper adjustments to remove that program from their life.      Bec...

The Morning Mindfulness

   Today is no mistake. It has been calculated perfectly by you and the Universe.  Every decision you've made (consciously and subconsciously) prior to this moment has opened the opportunity for this day to be. Today is merely a perfect reflection of days past and do you enjoy what you see? Are you in alignment with the reality yourself and the Universe have constructed?  Do you see today as another opportunity for a masterpiece to be created?    We ask that the awareness of this magnificent morning move throughout our consciousness and permeate into our reality.  This moment will be the foundation for the excellence we desire within our life. Right now, right here, we claim the greatness that already belongs to us. We are the ease and grace within every moment of this day.  We are the power that is needed to transmute low vibrational frequencies into Unconditional Love.  We are the force that will be respectfully acknowledged.  We a...