If you haven't already, today is the day to take responsibility for your life. No more excuses as to why you are unable to do whatever it is you want to do. Yes, some of the things you will want in this world will require high levels of patience, dedication, hard work, and focus, but that's what taking responsibility encompasses. You're ready to live a life you know you deserve. You know you deserve to go wherever you please, whenever you please. You know you deserve to get whatever you need exactly when you need it. You know you deserve respect everywhere you go. You know you deserve everything your heart desires, but you must take responsibility first. Responsibility turns into empowerment and when you are empowered you will go forth fearlessly through life and there will be nothing that can stop you. So before we end, say to yourself right now out loud, "I'm taking responsibility today because I want the empowerment I need in order to recieve everyth...
At introspectiveodyssey.com, we assist with Spiritual/Personal Transformation through Metaphysical Mentoring and the modalities of Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Introspective Hypnosis, EFT, Past-Life Therapy, Soul Retrieval, Spirit Releasement, guided meditations, and more.