Tap into your mental energy regularly because this world is not solely dominated by your physical energy. There's a quote by the youngest boxer to win a heavyweight title, Mike Tyson, that places perspective on how one must tap into their ability to think in this world.
"Everybody thinks this is a tough man's sport. This is not a tough man's sport. This is a thinking man's sport. A tough man is gonna get hurt real bad in this sport."
If we remove the word "sport" from this quote and replace it with "world" it shifts the dynamic of the quote, making it more expansive. Your mental energy is the catalyst to unlocking a world operated by the greatest version of you. A version of you that is led by Peace, Power, and Love.
This mental energy starts internally and slowly moves into your external reality. Within the Mind's Eye, you must see the image of you living beyond the shackles this physical world may present. The physicality of this world may attempt to have you believe that you're unable to do this or that, but your mentality must be one that is cunning and bold enough to deny limitations of physicality. Allow your mind to do the heavy lifting of life. Use your divine creativity to break free from all limitations.